Founder @ Cleartest | Building B2B SaaS | Smart Test Papers & Analytics
Cleartest is a platform to create evaluation tests anywhere and with lightning speed. We have a huge database of questions to choose from. All questions are verified and labelled according to chapters, topics and difficulty levels.
My role at Cleartest is overall administration of the company ensuring its long term goals are achieved. I head the technical department, where we focus on leveraging data analytics to draw evaluation insights.
Entrepreneur | Intelligent Business Solutions | Research Analytics
There are enough problems in this world, let's solve some of those through technology.
Founder @ Cleartest, Past: Founder @ Incubig
176 times
13 times
testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing